Culture Recovery Fund
The Government has made a further £30 million available and extended the application window for emergency funding through the Culture Recovery Fund to support museums, cinemas, theatres and heritage organisations through the impact of the Omicron variant this winter. This fund aims to provide emergency funding awards to organisations that were financially sustainable before Covid-19 but are now at imminent risk of failure and have exhausted all other options for increasing their resilience.
Who can apply: Cultural organisations that are properly constituted with a governing document and are able to demonstrate, via cashflow forecast, they are at risk of ceasing to trade viably within 12 weeks of the point of application.
What you can apply for: Generally, between £25,000 and £3 million (£1 million for for-profit organisations). However, if you’ve already received a grant from the Culture Recovery Fund, there are limited to how much you can apply for.
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